What are the phases of the hair growth cycle?

What are the phases of the hair growth cycle?

 The hair on your head grows from a root called a follicle, extending from underneath the skin on your scalp. Each hair strand has its own life cycle, consisting of four stages: anagen, catagen, telogen, and exogen. These stages encompass periods of active growth and rest.

Various factors, including genetics, age, medical conditions, hair care practices, and stress, can influence hair growth. Let's delve into each stage:

Stage 1: Anagen Phase This marks the initial phase of hair growth, characterized by active growth. During anagen, cells in the hair follicles rapidly produce new hair strands. Anagen typically lasts 2–8 years for scalp hair, but it shortens with age. At any given time, most hair strands on your head are in the anagen stage.

Stage 2: Catagen Phase Catagen is the transitional phase from active growth to a non-growth state. This phase is notably shorter than anagen, lasting about two weeks. Hair growth slows during catagen, and the hair follicle shrinks as the hair strand prepares to detach, though it remains attached.

Stage 3: Telogen Phase Telogen signifies the resting stage, where hair strands remain mostly dormant. Old hair prepares to shed, while new hair prepares to grow in its place. Telogen typically lasts 5–6 weeks for scalp hair. Although only a small percentage of hair follicles are in telogen at any given time, factors such as stress can prompt more strands to enter this phase.

Stage 4: Exogen Phase Exogen represents the final stage of hair growth, during which hair detaches from the follicle and falls out. This shedding allows new hair to grow. Exogen lasts around 2–5 months, with shedding of up to 100 strands daily considered normal.

Tips for hair growth Several lifestyle factors and strategies can promote healthy hair growth:

  • Maintain a gentle hair care routine to avoid stressing the follicles.
  • Consume a balanced diet rich in nutrients like biotin, vitamin E, zinc, and iron.
  • Keep the scalp clean to reduce the risk of inflammation and infections.
  • Manage stress levels, as high stress can disrupt the hair growth cycle.
  • Consider over-the-counter medications or in-office treatments if needed.

Factors Affecting Hair Growth Various health and lifestyle factors can influence hair growth, including:

  • Genetics plays a significant role in hair growth and the development of certain types of hair loss.
  • Aging leads to grayer and thinner hair, with fewer strands in active growth.
  • Health conditions like alopecia areata or anemia can interfere with hair growth.
  • Hormonal fluctuations, such as those during pregnancy or menopause, affect hair growth.
  • Stressful situations can disrupt or halt hair growth temporarily.

Understanding the hair growth cycle and its influencing factors can help in implementing effective strategies for promoting healthy hair growth.


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