5 Habits for Gracefully Handling Rejection

 Are you crippled by fear? Many entrepreneurs, business owners, and salespeople are terrified at the mere thought of hearing the word 'no.' And it's understandable. For most of us, our earliest memories are peppered with the word 'no': "No, you can't have the cookie," "No, you can't go outside now." From a young age, we've been conditioned to shrink away from rejection.

But if you can't overcome your aversion to rejection, you'll struggle to reach your goals. As a colleague once told me, "You've got to venture out onto the thin branches." Success, he said, is like climbing out onto the slender branches of a tree. "Courage is the most crucial trait for success," he insisted. Top achievers take risks. They devise strategies to confront rejection head-on and understand that failure is a necessary part of the journey to success.

Over the years, I've developed techniques to confront my fears and cultivate courage even in the face of uncertainty. Here are five strategies that have proven effective for me:

  1. Harness the power of 'no': Consider the accomplishments of our heroes, successful entrepreneurs, and thought leaders. I guarantee they've all faced monumental opposition. Once you grasp that, you'll realize that you can do it too. J.K. Rowling faced rejection from numerous publishers before the Harry Potter series found a home. Decca Records famously turned down the Beatles, claiming guitar music was on the way out. Courage is what enables people to push through rejection and emerge stronger. No one can avoid pain, suffering, or failure. But from pain, courage arises, and from courage come strength and success.

  2. Take bold action: Nelson Mandela once said, "I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it." The call you're afraid to make is the one you must make. The question you're hesitant to ask is the question you must ask. Summon your courage and reach out to those intimidating contacts. Take the leap and pursue what you desire.

  3. Confront your fears. Head-on: We all have fears, but confronting them is essential for growth. When you dissect your fears and assess the worst-case scenario, they often lose their power. Share your fears with a trusted friend or mentor. Identifying and acknowledging your fears is the first step towards overcoming them.

  4. Navigate rejection gracefully. Rejection is an inevitable part of any endeavor. Whether it's in prospecting, negotiations, or facing objections, you'll encounter 'no' at every turn. Listen attentively, clarify objections, and isolate concerns. Approach rejection with resilience and a willingness to learn from it.

  5. Inject humor into the situation: In the realm of negotiation, hiring, or pitching, 'no' doesn't always mean 'no.' It takes persistence and courage to achieve your goals. When faced with rejection, find creative ways to navigate around it. Don't give up at the first sign of resistance; instead, approach the situation with humor and creativity.

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